"I could not have done this without Helen. She guided me through the process, advised as to the proofreading and layouts (I had a lot of photos and far too many brackets and exclamation marks!) and was always very quick to respond when I had any queries.
She was particularly patient when I was asking for 'one last addition/correction' which I did on a number of occasions.
Overall Helen provided an excellent service for which I am most grateful."
Mr. J P

"It is so easy to work with Helen.
She is not only an experienced and very talented writer, but she is an amazing listener and through her forensic analysis she manages to focus in on the pertinent messages which make for entertaining and educative content.
I'm convinced everyone has a book in them... and Helen is the person to go to. I became very emotional when handed my book as it looks incredible. Helen has done such a magnificent job.
Thank you so much Helen, and to anyone reading this – don't hesitate – ask for Helen's help in creating your book."
Geoff Sober
Blank Canvas Training

"I would never have finished my book without Helen's guidance with editing and chronology.
The finished book is truly amazing and will be a great memory for all the family."
Mrs. T

"Out of all the journeys and adventures I share in Scissors and my Suitcase my most exciting one ever has been the journey I shared with Helen in writing my memoir.
Thank you for everything Helen, you made my dream come true!"
Ms J McC

"Thanks for your help, Helen, in organising my chaotic story for me. I couldn't have done it without your help!"
Mrs. H

"I've finished the book! I cried and laughed. It was amazing to read. Things I knew very little about. I thoroughly enjoyed it."
Mrs. C

"Thank you so much, the book arrived yesterday, I've read it this afternoon - it's amazing!
So much there I recalled from lovely conversations with Mim, especially about their parents and Nanny Rose's cooking.
Thoroughly enjoyed reading it!
This has inspired me to get on with mine! Thanks again x"
Mrs. W
Western Australia

"I so enjoyed the book - very interesting, so much I wasn't aware of!"
Mrs. O
Queensland, Australia

"Oh my word, just finished the book. I could hardly put it down. I actually felt as though I was on the expeditions with Trevor. What an amazing man. Thank you so much."
Mrs. F G

"I enjoyed the book! Loved it! Some stuff I knew about, some stuff I knew about but had forgotten and some stuff I knew nothing about! Had a few tears but smiled a lot too. So interesting - read it in one day - great job."
Mrs. G

"I'm so, so happy with our lovely book! You made it such an enjoyable process. I can't imagine that I ever would have got round to sorting all those letters, let alone putting together their amazing story without you. Thank you!!"
Mrs. M-T

"The book has arrived: I'm very, very pleased. You do an amazing job!"
Mr. G

"When my father died, he left some notes about his life amounting to a basic autobiography. Helen handled his memoir with sensitivity and empathy and her skill in telling his story in his voice was remarkable. She expertly crafted it into a polished and professional life story, packed with photographs from life, which will be treasured by his children and grandchildren."
Mr. M

"I can't recommend Helen highly enough as the perfect person to help you bring your story to life. Her expertise, insight, patience and amazing ability to make a cohesive narrative out of a jumble of words and ideas helped me pull together a family history which spanned over 70 years. I doubt that Bridging the Gap would have been written without her."
Mrs. H

"I've now received the books and I can't tell you how emotional I feel. I can't describe how it feels to handle a book containing so much about Mum and Dad. I've learnt so much about Dad's early life and career, and to see it beautifully presented in such a quality hardback book is much more than I ever expected.
I am particularly impressed with how you converted our discussions into additional chapters to compliment Dad's own memoirs.
I'm pleased that this book will be a lasting tribute to Mum and Dad and that my sons and young grandchildren and future generations will be able to learn about their lives.
After losing both parents within 10 months, I truly believe working on and researching the book has helped me come to terms with my loss.
I won't hesitate to recommend you to any other friends who are thinking of turning their own or family memories into a book."